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Room Check

Guests want to be assured that your housekeeping services are effective in delivering clean rooms. RoomCheck measures the cleanliness of eight key surfaces within each room to ensure cleaning standards are maintained, preventing the spread of infection (POSI).

Keep your guest
rooms clean

This module focuses on the key areas of concern associated with the cleanliness of guest rooms in hotels. Whilst some issues have a direct impact on the health of guests, others have a detrimental effect on guest experience (untidiness).

What does this module

Bedding Standards

Ensuring that beds in guest rooms are maintained in accordance with good housekeeping practice and devoid of signs of dirt or bed bugs.

Personal Belongings

When not occupied (prior to guest occupation) the room must be free of all guest belongings related to the previous occupants. During the inspection the room is checked for any objects that should not be present

Room Environment

Ensuring that the room environment is clean and free of signs of damage or issues such as mould or pest infestation.

Cleaning Protocols

A clearly defined cleaning / housekeeping protocol should be in place that will be evaluated during the inspection. Where necessary documentation / templates will be provided.

Dusting Standards

A build-up of dust can provide evidence of poor housekeeping and therefore the module includes assessment of dust levels in the main areas of potential accumulation.

Furnishing Standards

Ensuring that all room furnishings are clean and free of any sign of damage / risks to health.

Cleanliness Benchmarking

In addition to the identification of visible signs of cleanliness issues, the module includes the use of surface swab testing on key contact surfaces. The quantitative results of these tests can be used to determine areas for improvement and also to allow anonymous comparison benchmarking against other Intertek Cristal clients.

Bathroom Standards

Ensuring that the bathrooms associated with the guest rooms are kept clean and sanitary at times. Due to the environmental conditions in bathrooms (hot and humid) the build-up of bacteria and other issues such as mould can easily proliferate if not managed correctly.

Risk Modules

Aqua Check

POSI Check

Food Check

Frequently asked questions

We at Ensure Partners are the sole authorized distributor for Hygiena in Mauritius and we are based in Rose Hill. Hygiena is headquartered in Camarillo, California, with offices in Wilmington, Delaware, the United Kingdom, and China, and over 80 distributors in more than 100 countries worldwide.

EnSURE™ Touch delivers rapid microbial detection, monitoring, and identification solutions to a wide range of industries, including food and beverage, health care, hospitality, pharmaceuticals, water management and personal care.

EnSURE™ Touch provides rapid and accurate sanitation verification in as little as 10 seconds for verification of cleaning effectiveness.

You can remotely train and support your team with built-in screen sharing capabilities. The EnSURE™ Touch comes pre-loaded with the TeamViewer application, allowing you to securely share your EnSURE™ Touch screen with any internet-connected device. Videos are available for training on all our products as well as product technical manuals.

EnSURE™ Touch can verify the sanitation of surfaces, and liquids, and perform rapid microbiological testing like Coliform, E. coli, Enterobacteriaceae, and Total Viable Count.

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29, Ramparsadsing Hurdowar Street, Rose Hill, Mauritius